Who We Are

ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1962, Kolhapur Auto Works Pvt. Ltd. is highly acknowledged as a leader in manufacturing and supply of wide range of Sugar Mill Spares with several of the Sugar Mills in India and other countries being the prestigious customers.

Latest versions of software with Concurrent Engineering approach representing the state of the art in todays computerized engineering analysis are used to enhance productivity in designing, analyzing and drafting.

We Offer Wide Range Of Services.

Including Consultancy, Management, Installation, Inspection, Performance Improvement Of Industry.


Develop products of superior value by focusing on customers. Strive for excellence through innovative team work & continuous improvement.


Our purpose is to ensure value for money to our customers by setting standards in terms of product Quality, Reliability and Customized Solution services.

Quality Assurance

The quality assurance team comprising of highly qualified engineers chalk out the quality assurance plan for each and every project right from design to level of acceptance.

Foundries & Machineshop

The in-house foundries produce castings ranging from alloy & non-alloy with full line of pattern shop, machine shop and heat treatment plant making Kolhapur Auto Works Pvt. Ltd. capable of producing customized Mill spares, quickly and in a cost effective manner for the customer.

The machine shop is well equipped with Shaping, Planning, Slotting, Drilling, Vertical and Horizontal Boring, VMC machines, welding and Cutting machines as well as Turret Lathes and EOT Cranes.

Our Team

Members who are base of our Growth.
John Doe

Mr. Sunil Shelke


Most of the companies have ambition plans for growth. Against the backdrop of increasing global expansion and rate of urbanization, we can anticipate that consumption and production will continue to grow in the mid to long range. At the same time, development of seamless and stable operation for approved productively is a requirement.

In response to these challenges we have developed special purpose machines and VMC machines as a solution. With these actions we will continuous to propose attractive ways of working for jobsite customers and provide solutions designed to make the jobs sustainable and productive in future. We now aim at firmly establishing our presence as the best manufacturers for Sugar, Cement and Mining spares machinery with leading technologies and manufacturing capabilities.

Nix Maxwell

Mrs. Meghna Shelke


At our different group of Companies we believe on sustaining and growing only because of accepting challenges head on. We believe the path to success is hard work, discipline, strategic, thinking and maintaining good relations.

This serenity and foresight to expand globally has taken self belief, hard work and dedication. As a company we are extremely proud to create high performance products and services and work towards the goal of achieving long term growth by strengthening our business foundation.

Nix Maxwell

Mr. Tushar Shelke


The last few years have brought both challenge and change for Kolhapur Auto works and Sunil Shelke group . We adopted a corporate structure that allows us to be a more competitive business and market player. The ongoing economic and social changes have required the focused attention of all our employees to improve performance and position us for success no matter what kind of markets we encounter. We’ve made excellent progress, but we have more to do. We will continue to take decisive action to strengthen and grow our group in a sustainable way . Today Sunil Shelke Group is wonderfully reshaped into one entity making Its other ventures a landmark in its own.

As we instantly navigate the short-term challenges, we will not lose sight of our long-term vision to manage to deliver superior solutions to the world.

Nix Maxwell

Mrs. Revati Tushar Shelke

Chief Operating Officer

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